ZEE5, Bangalore

Data Scientist June, 23 - Present

Project : Creating the first ever Music FMM of India

  • Engineered in-house large music model with 3.3B parameters, trained on diverse 5.3K+ hrs of music data.
  • Utilized deep learning to develop a robust architecture with 50+ instrument specialized Nano models.
  • Integrated all deployments into the MLOps pipeline to ensure operational efficiency and compatibility.
  • Implemented end-to-end data collection and training pipelines for SFX model to generate foley sound.
  • Researched on a novel AI arranger model to compose harmonical music from solo instruments tracks.

SATHEE, Ministry of Education of India

Summer Research Intern Mar, 22 - June, 22

Project : Content recommendation system for personalized education

  • Researched on recommendation algorithms, focusing on user-item based collaborative filtering and content-based methods.
  • Implemented a hybrid of collaborative filtering (CF) and content-based (CB) approaches using stacking and blending ensemble techniques in PyTorch.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to integrate recommendation engines into the educational platform of SATHEE. Conducted A/B testing to evaluate the effectiveness of different recommendation strategies.
  • Also worked as TA for SATHEE project, a NTA, MHRD and IITK endeavor to increase without coaching students in IITs. Created 600+ relevant problems, essential formulae and tips & tricks sheets for JEE aspirants to practice.

RSK, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan

Student Coordinator, Teacher, Content Creator and Organizor Apr, 22 - May, 23

Project : Learning to teach, create material and organize

  • Volunteered as a science and math tutor, working closely with rural government school children, utilizing interactive experiments to enhance learning experiences.
  • Developed a comprehensive educational resource website and facilitated brainstorming sessions to improve the quality of education for underprivileged children.