some papers

| Paper Title                               | arXiv Link                                                                                    |
| RAG/LoRA etc                              | -                                                                                             |
| Demucs                                    | -                                                                                             |
| ML from scratch series:                   | [Transformers]( |
|                                           | [Diffusion](                          |
|                                           | [Resources rich website](           |
| Diffusion Models                          | [See resource section at the end](   |
|                                           | [Unet Paper: Biomedical segmentation](         |
|                                           | [minDiffusion git repo](                             |
|                                           | [Score sde paper](                                     |
|                                           | [Unified perspective on DMs tutorial paper]( |
| GAN Tutorial                              | [Lilian Gan Blog](                                     |
|                                           | [GAN specialization from]( |
| ControlNets                               | [Paper](                                                     |
|                                           | [Code](                                              |
| RL tutorial                               | -                                                                                             |
| Adam original paper                       | -                                                                                             |
| Flash attention paper                     | [Memory-Efficient Attention: xformers from meta github]( |
| Focal Vs Cross Entropy                    | [Article](                          |
| Mamba                                     | -                                                                                             |
| CLIP                                      | -                                                                                             |
| Wavenet                                   | -                                                                                             |
| A Neural Probabilistic Language Model    | -                                                                                             |
| Byte pair encoding paper                  | -                                                                                             |
| BERT                                      | -                                                                                             |
| Bahdanau et al., 2014and Luong et al., 2015 | -                                                                                           |
| VQ-VAE                                    | [Why are we doing the discretisation, what goal it achieves?]( |
| Soundstream                               | [Learn SFT and CNN visual from 3brown1blue channel]( |
|                                           | [Cover CNN basics again with Image and audio and see transformer, audiogen, musicgen, encoded paper as reference]( |
| ML Crash Course                           | [Part 1]( / [Part 2]( / [Part 3]( / [Part 4]( / [Part 5]( |
|                                           | [Karpathy makemore series : code part 1,2,3,4,5](      |
| Dall-e                                    | [Original paper](                                      |
|                                           | [Additional Info]( |
| Information theory                       | [Visual Information](                |
|                                           | [Kullback-Leibler Divergence]( |
| VAE tutorial paper                        | [What is Variational Autoencoder (VAE) Tutorial]( |
|                                           | [Autoencoder](                                      |
|                                           | [Revision Material](                                |
| Layer Normalization: the main thing      | [Batch Layer Normalization](           |
| Audiogen                                  | -                                                                                             |
| Attention is all you need                 | [Transformer Tutorial](                   |
|                                           | [Illustrated Transformer](                   |
| Residual connection original paper        | [Residual Blocks]( |
| RNN original paper                        |

some blogs

Jay Alammar
Andrej Karpathy
Colah's Blog
AI Summer
Blog pages of Deepmind, OpenAI labs

websites to hunt papers

some researchers to follow

Jurgen Schmidhuber
Andrej Karpathy
Ilya Sutskever
Ian Goodfellow
Yann Lecun
Yoshua Bengio
Geoffrey Hinton
Alexi Efros
Andrew Ng
Sharon Zhou