Conda environments help in handling multiple projects and their requirement dependencies seperatly. It is like creating seperate folders for seperate tasks/projects.

  • install conda: official docs
  • create env:
    # version of python as per ones preference
    conda create --name/-n <env-name> python=3.8
    # create conda env useing YAML files
    conda env update -f <file-path>
  • actiavte and deactivate env:
    conda activate <env-name>
    conda deactivate
  • remove env:
    # method-1
    conda env remove --name/-n <env-name>
    # method-2
    rm -rf <path-of-env-dir>
    # method-3
    conda remove --name <env-name> --all
  • install modules:
    # first activate and then pip
    conda activate <env-name> | pip install <module-name>
    # directly install using conda
    conda install -n <env-name> <module-name>
  • misc:
    # to see env list
    conda info --envs
  • a demo YAML file: ```yaml

    YAML file for Conda Environment

Name of the Conda environment

name: my_environment

Conda channels where packages will be searched


  • defaults
  • conda-forge # Additional channels can be added as needed

Main dependencies installed using Conda


  • python=3.8
  • numpy>=1.18

# Additional Conda packages can be listed here

# Example: Uncomment the following line to include matplotlib # - matplotlib

# Example: Uncomment the following line to include pandas # - pandas

# Specify versions, constraints, or additional packages as needed

Dependencies installed using pip (Python packages not available in Conda)

Useful for packages that are not available in Conda repositories

or for more recent versions of certain packages

Note: ‘pip’ itself is automatically included


  • requests>=2.22
  • Flask>=1.1

# Additional pip packages can be listed here

# Example: Uncomment the following line to include pytest # - pytest

# Specify versions or additional packages as needed
