In this post we are going to parse information on some youtube channel’s content and store it into a csv file. Mainly information about video title, video discription, how many time it has been watched etc. I have tried my best to give a step by step procedure, with that you should be able to parse detail about YT videos on any playlist. Explanations are in code comments.

  1. IMport required module,
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
    import requests
  2. use GET requests,
    # particular link is used
    # to tell website server processer to get us particular html page we use python library `requests`
    r=requests.get(link) # requests data form link
    page=r.text #convert into text
    soup=bs(page,'html.parser') #parse using BS
    #print(soup.prettify()) # if want to see the structure of parsed html page uncomment it.
  3. to get titles of videos,
    vid_title=title_soup['content'] if title_soup else 'not found'
  4. to get discriptions of videos,
    vid_discription=disrip_soup['content'] if disrip_soup else 'not found'
  5. to get upload date etc,
    date_soup=soup.find('meta',itemprop='uploadDate') # does not work with playlist
    upload_date=date_soup['content'] if date_soup else 'not found'
    #->not found

    Scrapping python is not that hard, it is a standard website and everything is nice and clean. To scrape other information you can use other property tags. I hope you found it intersting enough to get started on your own in python. Thank you.